Luzern, Switzerland: October 5 and 6, 2024
The slow movement associated with Butoh dance connects in my mind to a basic martial arts saying: move slowly to develop smoothness. Smoothness promotes speed. When I move slowly, I invest in the smallest details of movement. As my body starts to comprehend the movement, it becomes more efficient, both for the task and my overall being.
These days, I give time and energy to Nei Gong, a directed process of transformation for the body and mind (not that they can be separated). As part of that transformation, the health of the body goes up. Qi Gong and Dao Yin support opening, re-aligning, nourishing and clearing out the body/energy system.
Over the last nine years, Daoist Internal Arts have been integrated into who I am. Of course, that seeps into my dance.
And I enjoy sharing.
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00-12:00: Qi Gong and Dao Yin
Saturday and Sunday: 14:00-16:00: Butoh Dance
BallettStadt Musegg
Museggstrasse 12b, 6004 Luzern
There are four sessions in total. Each session individually is 50CHF. Or, all four sessions for 160CHF.
Payment can be either in cash or through bank transfer.
questions? info(at)