Ishide Takuya
Ishide, a native of Tokyo (born 1958), describes himself as a bee who has visited many flowers. He began dancing in 1984 as a student of Ishii Mitsutaka and Hijikata Tatsumi. He performed in Hijikata Tatsumi’s “Tohoku Kabuki Keikaku 2, and 4” in 1985, as well as with Tanaka Min. He danced with Teshigawara Saburo (as part of a trio) in various cities of France, including Paris, Bordoux and Aix-en-Provence. Eventually moving to Paris for 3 years, creating the dance group “Ensemble Naka” with Ea Sola and Francois Evangeristi.
Since 1990, Ishide has performed primarily and extensively as a solo improvisational dancer working with musicians of many styles (such as percussionist Masa Sasaki in Hannover, Berlin and Paris). He has toured Korea, Japan, USA, Mexico and Europe. Some highlights include “Flesh of Showa 2” at Japan Dance Festival, International Chon-Chun Festival in Seoul, Korea and the International World Culture Festival in Mexico City. Since 2003, he and Shinichi Iova-Koga have slowly been creating improvisations together in Tokyo (title: Innocent Weapons), Czech Republic (title: Shine Black) and most recently in 2006 for the Munich Dance Festival (title: Mariko Horo).
German Version:
Ishide Takuya war Mitglied der Tanztruppe von Tatsumi Hijikata, des legendären Gründers der japanischen Tanzrichtung Butoh, und ist 1985 im Hijikatas letzten Stück „Tohoku Kabuki Project“ aufgetreten. Nach Hijikatas Tod 1986 bis in die 90er Jahren ist Ishiide Mitglied im Saburo Teshigawaras Tanztruppe KARAS gewesen, mit Auftritten in Japan, Europa, den USA und Kanada.
Seit dem hat Ishiide umfangreiche Einzelauftritte, überwiegend in Korea, Japan und Europa, als Improvisationstänzer in Zusammenarbeit mit Musikern vieler Richtungen.