Ame to Ame: Berlin 2005

By April 26, 2014 FEATURED, PROJECT, VIDEO No Comments

(Isadora Duncan Dance Committee, SF 2005)

“Yuko Kaseki and Shinichi Iova-Koga, the Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire of Butoh, come together in inkBoat’s Ame to Ame (Candy and Rain)… under the direction of fellow choreographer and lighting designer Marc Ates.
Time speeds up and then slows, the greed of sleep gives way to the gallantry of concern, and childlike play and sexual prowess whirl around fleeting contacts between bodies and personalities. Such contrasts and more are beautifully managed throughout, frequently with humor either wry or raucous. The couple waltz drunkenly to the end of time, a final song sending somber, wistful lyrics washing over them. Words become inarticulate notes, rising in pitch, expanding in power (opening up a yawning space between the lovers), and dissolving into an undulating wall of music built steadily upward, tsunami-like, only to be brought crashing down again – as now two fading points of light circumscribe two alien but remembering bodies – in a chilling, howling vortex of sound.”
-Robert Avila, SF BAY GUARDIAN

Created by Yuko Kaseki, Shinichi Iova-Koga, Marc Ates

Look further for documentation of performance at YBCA, SF in 2004 and at ODC, SF in 2009.

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