Noguchi Taiso

By April 11, 2020 PRACTICE One Comment

A system of releasing unnecessary tension and developing a responsive and dynamic body for life, dance, performance and sports
taught by Shinichi Iova-Koga

Noguchi Taiso trains the body to move by its own weight and heighten its sensitivity to locomote efficiently from its most relaxed and receptive state. Developed in the middle of the 20th century by Michizo Noguchi, the practice focuses on the basic idea of how matter and gravity relate to the body’s motion through space. Water, in particular, informs and guides the dynamics within the mover. Natural and free movement requires that the body release unnecessary tension to create the conditions for movement to naturally arise. This naturalness promotes a more energy-efficient and fluid state through which impulses can travel through the body with minimal resistance. As part of the practice, we discover how thoughts and the mind’s attention can change the quality of the physical form.

One Comment

  • Krivine liza says:

    I’m interested in taking part in your workshops (internal arts but also noguchi taiso and body weather). As a shiatsu practicioner and teacher of bodywork for musicians i’d be keen to meet you on those occasions and learn with you.
    Thanks for keeping me in the loop for your future events in Switzerland.
    Kindly, liza krivine. Neuchâtel

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