Deconstruct Darkness with SHINICHI IOVA-KOGA Never fixed in culture or time, this dance remains a personal investigation.We strengthen trust in our bodies by developing energy-efficient motion and connectivity. Our clarity…
Shinichi, Author at inkBoat - Page 2 of 11
Our guest choreographer Ann Carlson is a fountain of creativity. She brings brightness into every step and word, crafting this, the first inkBoat duet of Dana Iova-Koga and myself. We…
Shinichi Iova-Koga: moments on stage. Selections from 2006 – 2016. Crazy Cloud with Ko Murobushi and Sherwood Chen. Mariko Horo with Ishide Takuya. Line Between with Dohee Lee and Peiling Kao. ODD with Joan Jeanrenaud. Adapt with Jimmy Nakagawa. Hummingbird with Nils Frykdahl and Sten Rudstrøm.
The Minako Seki Method departs from imagination and the endless possibilities of it. Through imagination we can connect consciousness with unconsciousness, as well as micro cosmos with macro cosmos. Imagination…
Each class in the mobility series will have a different emphasis: Circulation, Loosening, Alignment and Kinetic Chain. All focused on physical vitality, alignment and resiliency. The three classes will share…
Examine the process of building scores for performance. These scores act as instructions for the performer(s), creating boundaries and establishing where freedoms may expand within constraint. The skills of both…
Physical tune-up for health and longevity open to all levels and body typestaught by Wudang West (Switzerland): Shinichi Iova-Koga & Dana Iova-Koga, authorized by Wudang West / David Wei. Yang Sheng…
for all bodies who wish to create artful play between raw, earthy elements to personal expression and developmenttaught by Shinichi Iova-Koga and Dana Iova-Koga Imagination changes the quality of what you…
A system of releasing unnecessary tension and developing a responsive and dynamic body for life, dance, performance and sportstaught by Shinichi Iova-Koga Noguchi Taiso trains the body to move by…