Taught by Dana Iova-Koga Certified Qi Gong teacher by Holden Qigong The most basic translation of Qi Gong is “skill with energy, developed over time.” As such it is a…
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Taught by Dana Iova-Koga Body Weather was founded in the 80s by Japanese dancer Min Tanaka and his company at the time, Maijuku. The practices are focused in large part…
Examine the process of building scores for performance. These scores act as instructions for the performer(s), creating boundaries and establishing where freedoms may expand within constraint. The skills of both…
for all bodies who wish to create artful play between raw, earthy elements to personal expression and developmenttaught by Shinichi Iova-Koga and Dana Iova-Koga Imagination changes the quality of what you…

A system of releasing unnecessary tension and developing a responsive and dynamic body for life, dance, performance and sportstaught by Shinichi Iova-Koga Noguchi Taiso trains the body to move by…

Taught by Shinichi Iova-Koga The culture and training of each individual infuses Butoh dance with vital new perspectives and flavors. Digging into self-formation and history ripens the dancer’s transformation process. The…

Dao Yin and Qi Gong principles work to both clear the channels and nourish the Qi within the body. Instructor: Shinichi Iova-KogaAuthorized Qi Gong Instructor with Lotus Nei Gong Dao…

August 24, 25 (Saturday, Sunday) 201910:00 – 17:00 In this two-day workshop led by Dana and Shinichi Iova-Koga we will develop qualities of movement, our connection to the ground and…

Led by Shinichi and Dana Iova-Koga of inkBoat this will be a unique training opportunity, a chance to train, develop and articulate abilities, awareness and possibilities as a human, mover…